OAK social network2024


UAC – United Aircraft Corporation – is a Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation, one of the largest in Europe. They produce Su, MiG, Il, and other aircraft.


UAC approached us with a task: to develop a tool that would allow employees to get to know each other better, communicate, and feel a sense of unity. The lack of communication between employees, even within the same plant, affects work quality and retention. Attracting new employees is becoming increasingly difficult.

Before proceeding with the solution, we conducted 20 in-depth interviews. The respondents were employees of large companies and users of dating apps. We wanted to understand what is lacking in corporate communication and what triggers encourage people to connect with others in general.

Research and Analysis

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User Scenario

We based the solution on a looped user scenario.
We gently immerse the user into the product, guiding them through all the functional branches, and then maintain their engagement through event-based mechanics.



Based on the company’s brand book, we developed an extended library of design elements. This includes a color palette, typography system, semantic variables, and illustrations.

This library not only emphasizes brand identity but also brings more emotion into the user experience with the product!


First Interaction

Support is crucial during the first interaction. Rather than leaving the user to navigate alone, they are greeted by a personal assistant who helps them complete their profile and generates a short and fun description based on the results.

Based on the user’s profile, the system selects the most relevant results according to interests, location, and age.


Based on the user’s profile, the system selects the most relevant results according to interests, location, and age.

The interaction mechanics are as simple as possible. The user can tap on an interesting category or use the search manually. To start a conversation, all they need to do is "Wave."


To ensure communication doesn’t end with a simple “Hi,” the app offers unique prompts based on the users’ shared interests. This helps break the ice for further interaction. And of course, there are stickers!


Gamification Mechanics

In addition to prompts and stickers, the app includes gamification mechanics, allowing users to play a quick and simple game. This serves as a strong trigger for communication, helping to break the ice both during the initial interaction and in future conversations.


Transitioning to Offline

Bringing employees together online is a challenging task. A chat and games alone won’t suffice.

The app includes a special feature that, by analyzing profiles and interactions, suggests relevant events, encouraging employees to meet in real life.


Emotion Feed

The emotion feed is another space for communication and interaction. It serves as a social connector, allowing employees to share moments and emotions, which further increases engagement.


Rewards for Activity

Another gamification mechanism that encourages employees to stay active is the reward system. When users feel their efforts are recognized, they are more likely to return to the app again and again.



Based on interests and interactions with the app, each employee receives a personalized feed. Every time they log in, users always find something new and relevant.


Thank you for viewing!



OAK social network

Тут текст про куки, потому что мы их собираем, ну и вот это всё...
